Brand new year, brand new outlook.
I’m excited about 2015. There is a fresh perspective that comes with the new year that seems to give people a happier outlook that creates opportunity. Brandoasis is also back, refreshed with creative workshops collaborating with other ‘awesomepreneurs’ to give you inspiration for developing, reviving, and creating your brand this year.
Did you take a break? I hope so. Spending some time navel gazing or climbing a mountain can really help the creative ideas to flow. I made sure I got plenty of time staring at my toes on the beach in Byron Bay and looking at palm trees. What can I say I love the beach.
But for those of you who didn’t take a break because you had commitments or are saving your holiday for later in the year, I hope 2015 is off to a flying start! PLUS i hope you have some great ideas for how you are going to evolve your brand this year.
Haven’t spent a second thinking about your brand yet?
I know the feeling. January seemed to just disappear. I had some thoughts lurking in the back of my mind about my own brand over the summer holidays and then February arrived and ‘BOOM’ I got flooded with lots of ideas. I felt totally motivated to get things moving.
Exciting news! I am doing a collaborative workshop with Paula O’Sullivan from Possum Digital on March 21st in Newtown.
Please come and join us!
Brand Vision and Social Strategy Workshop
Full Day Workshop from 9am – 5pm
Only 12 seats available
Get your brand moving…
Try this quick thoughtstarter check list.
- How do you feel about your brand right now?
- What is your current brand vision statement?
- What are the top 2 things you need to do to be moving towards your vision?
Tags: brandvision, business development, creative, entrepreneurs, leadership, newtown, small business, sydney, workshop